Google My Business API v4 Client Library for Java


High-level details about this library can be found at


The license can be found here.

Generated service-specific Library

The generated service-specific library can be found in the top level directory of the zip file: google-api-services-mybusiness-v4-rev0-1.25.0.jar


A .classpath file snippet that can be included in your project's .classpath has been provided here. Please only use the classpathentry's you actually need (see below for details).


A ProGuard configuration file proguard-google-api-client.txt is included for common settings for using the library. On Android projects, you may want to add a reference to proguard-google-api-client.txt in the file under the proguard.config property.


Dependent jars for google-api-services-mybusiness-v4-rev0-1.25.0.jar can be found in the libs folder and the corresponding source jars can be found in the libs-sources folder.

The dependency structure and licenses can be found in the dependencies directory.

Dependencies for all Platforms

The following are the jars from the libs folder required for applications on all platforms:

Android Dependencies

The following are the jars from the libs folder required for android applications or a newer compatible version of each dependency: The libs folder also contains properties files that specify the location of source jars for Android projects in Eclipse.
Please see the Android for the Android Developer's Guide.

Google App Engine Dependencies

The following are the jars from the libs folder required for Google App Engine applications or a newer compatible version of each dependency: Please see the GoogleAppEngine for the Google App Engine Developer's Guide.

Servlet Dependencies

The following are the jars from the libs folder required for Servlet applications or a newer compatible version of each dependency:

General Purpose Java 5 Environment Dependencies

The following are the jars from the libs folder required for general purpose Java 5 applications (or a newer compatible version of each dependency):